Get Your Mind Right

In this message from September 4, 2016, Pastor Ben teaches on 2 Corinthians 10.4-5, how important it is to get our thought life in order, and explains how we are able to do that.

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At the church picnic this past Sunday, Pastor Ben talked to the congregation about Romans 12 and the importance of change, how challenging it is, and what it is that motivates us to change. Romans 12 1 Therefore, I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, […]

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The Lazarus Effect

Pastor Ben approaches the account of Lazarus’ resurrection in John 11, and proposes a new way to look at the meaning of Lazarus’ miraculous resurrection and what it can mean as witnesses of the Gospel.

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The Soil

In this message from June 26, 2016, Pastor Ben teaches from the Parable of the Sower and compares our lives to soil and shares how the seed of life that God plants, works in our lives depending on the health of our ‘soil’ and our responsibility in tending to the soil to let the seed […]

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In this message from June 19, 2016, Pastor Ben shares how perspective is critical in our walk with the Lord and to making the changes that can be the key to moving forward in all facets of our lives.

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